BAS Bar Magnets, which are often preferred by companies that target high efficiency rates in metal screening and work with small grain sizes, continue to achieve high magnetic field strengths.
N52 magnets with a high strength-to-size ratio are often preferred with high magnetic field strengths in sectors where errors such as food are not accepted.
While BAS Bar Magnets have been able to make a measurement as high as 11.000-11.500 gauss magnetic field intensity into a standard, it continues to improve itself.
Finally, BAS Bar Bar Magnets, which have managed to exceed the magnetic field strength of 12.000 gauss, can be easily preferred in metal screening processes where even the slightest error is not accepted.
BAS Bar Bar Magnets are able to provide positive answers to all kinds of customer requests thanks to their suitability for project design. With the special work of our project team, new products continue to be produced without slowing down.