Aluminum slag consists of aluminum, aluminum oxide, scrap and alloying elements and other metal oxides, alkali and halogenated compounds depending on the used fluxes. The main feature of aluminum slag is that it forms lattice-like structures from existing oxide films and traps metal droplets with its thixotropic behavior during melting. Metal droplets trapped in the slag are the main cause of metallic aluminum loss in the melting process. However, the amount of metal contained in the slag and the amount of metal that can be recovered from the slag differ depending on the metal melting, slag cooling and slag melting processes. In other words, it is impossible to recover all the metal trapped in the slag. Aluminum slag is not a waste, it is a by-product with economic value due to its metallic aluminum content. In other words, the main purpose of slag recycling processes is to recover the aluminum in the slag and to produce an economic value from it by transforming the secondary slag that is formed into a non-hazardous form for the environment. By the liberation process, the comminuted aluminum slag is subjected to magnetic separation, and generally, BAS over-band metal separators (Electromagnetic Overband Metal Separators – BAS®), BAS dry magnetic drum separators (Dry Type Drum Magnetic Separators – BAS®) and BAS perm-roll magnetic separators (Perm Roll Magnetic Separators – BAS®) are preferred. Finally, the desired final product and waste is obtained with the BAS ecs eddy current nonferrous metal separator (Eddy Current Non-Ferrous Metal Separators – BAS®).
As we are BAS; we do all laboratory studies, general and detalied engineering, correct magnetic separation methods are provided on a turnkey basis.