Heavy Duty BAS Electromagnetic Overbelt Metal Separators are Yakutia Passengers
High-capacity BAS EMBS Electromagnetic band metal separators were shipped to one of the world’s lowest climates to Yakutia. EMBSs were designed for -45C operating conditions and controlled.
The shipped equipments that EMBS-I-1400 will be positioned as inline application and EMBS-C-1400 will be positioned as crossbelt application. EMBSs will be worked for gold ore operation in Yakutia. Equipments will be worked for the all plants unwanted metal separation and working in properly.
EMBS Electromagnetic overbelt metal separators occur high magnetic intensity even at high suspension distances and protect the system safely. EMBS-6H series can produce magnetic field up to 2.000 Gauss even at 500mm.
EMBS Electromagnetic overbelt metal separators
EMBS Electromagnetic overbelt metal separators application video