PET Flake Separation Application with BAS Non-Ferrous Eddy Current Metal Separator
Within the scope of PET recycling application, BAS 48 pole Eddy current separator was preferred for the separation of steel, alloy steels and aluminum impurites in raw material. BAS-ECS-EC-48 series separators, which can separate the impurities from the final granule production to market acceptance, guarantee the final product as a result of high efficiency separation with 3,000 rpm drum, high intensity magnetic area and its mechanical dynamism. It achieves results with over 85% impurity remove guarantee and high quality field application.
BAS-ECS-EC-48 series can be coupled to an eddy current separator if ferrous metal separation is also desired. Ferrous and alloyed impurities are separated by the front separation drum. Eddy current separators as standard; It has a drum that produces eddy current, a belt drum for the rotation of the endless belt, and a vibrofeeder that can feed perfectly from every particle.
The eddy current drum on separator has an eccentric structure and the angle of the drum can be changed in the field as desired, depending on the form and density of the fed material. The splitter in the material separation part moves in 3 axes and provides high optimization capability at the separation point. The belt that completes the conveyor has a non-slip form and contains safety switches in the PLC environment. It is possible to monitor all info with capacity, belt speed, bearing conditions, all temperatures and alarm history in the separator on the PLC control panel.
Depending on your capacity, grain size and impurity definition, you can contact the BAS team for the most suitable equipment selection.
BAS Eddy current non-ferrous metal separator portfolio
BAS PET Flake Separation with BAS-ECS-EC-48 Serie